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Letter #1 : A Luchador Journal

Writer: Marcos SilvaMarcos Silva

Updated: Aug 6, 2023

Mateo -

I bought a journal at the México City airport on June 16, 2022. It was a black, hardcover book with luchador masks printed all over. In bold white letters at the bottom of the cover, it read, By Mexico. Considering my fascination with Lucha Libre, Papi Martin insisted I buy it.

This was the day after your dad and I signed the contract that would launch this surrogacy journey. It was a moment of fear, excitement, and complete bewilderment.

I have always been obsessed with luchadores. For me, they represent more than cultural entertainment. It is a bond between your tios (Pepito & Alonzo) and me. We were raised watching the lucha – we had a collection of masks in our drawers, and we would pretend to wrestle at home – it was something all three of us loved. Papi Martin… not so much. On one of our first trips to México City, we went to a match. He wasn’t impressed. Luchadores are fighters, entertainers, and actors. More importantly, their characters have a storyline of passion and grit.

It was serendipitous that we got this journal at the same time we agreed to have you. After years of talking about this, it was all finally falling into place. So I decided this journal would carry the storyline that led us to you, our baby. Here, we would try to share, in detail, what is happening, why it’s happening, and what it means to us. All in hopes that this will one day serve you as a glimpse into our thoughts and feelings as we made this dream of completing our family come true.

Papi Martin and I also have grit. We were determined to fight to make sure this dream became reality. In our story, we are the luchadores… and one day, you will be one, too.

-Papi Marcos


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Jul 15, 2023

what a beautiful and heartfelt journey this will be.… excited to know more. Another amazing idea by that brilliant mind of yours. Enhorabuena luchador!

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